What is allowed? Taking advantage of our time living in Uptown before we move (whenever that ends up being) -- in the past week and a half or so we've successfully
- Walked Lake of the Isles. A couple of times.
- Walked to Calhoun Square
- Drank root beer @ Williams Pub and Peanut Bar
- Enjoyed having a favorite dive bar a matter of feet (we're talking fewer than 3 blocks) from our place; see "A quality Friday night @ Red Dragon"
- Discussed the finer points of bar bathroom design @ Drink Uptown
- Eaten fresh rolls @ Tum Rup Thai
- Had coffee and dessert @ French Meadow Cafe
- Walked the 4 blocks to McDonald's for dinner *but* eaten it on the rooftop deck (because it's just that close)
- Stopped by Hum's Liquor for a six-pack of Leinie's Summer Shandy (It's back! Summer may now begin!). Total roundtrip time: 14 minutes. No kidding.
- Introduced an old colleague to Common Roots -- yet another fantastic restaurant within a 10 minute walk of chez Rice
- Patronized my favorite local coffeeshop, Muddy Waters
- Walked to the YWCA (doubles as a great warm-up)